I choose to make one of my topics immigration because all though it is not heard about as much as other topics but it still affects so many people here. Before starting to read you must understand the DREAM Act. The DREAM Act provides a path to citizenship through military service or higher education for children who were brought to the U.S by their parents. All candidates have one thing in common; they all call for stronger boarder.
Clinton strongly supports the DREAM act while Huckabee opposes it because he says that it will soon "put us on the slippery slope to amnesty for all." Guiliani is purposing a tamper- proof biometric ID card. Something that I do not completely understand it just seems as if your trying to place all immigrants on a rope. The ID card also called to the SAFE (Secure Authorized Foreign Entry Card) card to be uniform f0r all non-citizen workers and students.
Democrats seem to have all the same ideas while the republicans just seem to be taken there own point if view on the topic. Democrats want to help with Mexico and some other Central America to help them if there willing to so that illegal immigration will stop. McCain also feels that same way, to those countries that support freedom and democracy and seek strong domestic economics to create opportunities.

I once again interviewed Carlos, and another women that is an immigrate from Guatemala.
"You can not export about 11 million people that is just completely unrealistic." said Carlos. He said that he is a strong supporter of Barack Obama. Being from Puerto Rico he says that he understand the feeling that the immigrates have but order must be taken.

The so called "American Dream" is something that seems so glamorous, commented Vilma, born and raised in Guatemala. Being from there she says that Americans do not understand what its like to be a professional in a field like a doctor and not being able to find a job anywhere. She strongly believes that deporting is not an option because it is not reasonable. Change must happen in those countries a change of economy because the main goal to come is to work. Work of any kind because they believe that there is none in there own country. "What most people do not understand is that people risk it all to come here, they leave there family and many will try many times to cross the boarder." Vilma final statement.